Welcome To St Kentigern's

 Welcome to St Kentigern’s Catholic Primary School - the oldest Catholic primary school in Blackpool. I hope our school website will give our parents, carers and prospective parents an insight into the life of our small, busy and friendly school.

As a Catholic school, we offer our children the opportunity to grow as young people and encourage them to develop a closer relationship with God in an atmosphere of mutual love and respect. We seek to live out the values of Jesus Christ daily, promoting them by our words and deeds. Jesus told us to “Treat others as you would like to be treated”, our school motto, and this reminds us every day to go the extra mile for the children within our care. 

At St. Kentigern’s, we always put children first. We have a safe, happy environment in which children can strive to do their best at everything they are given the opportunity to do. We listen carefully to our children and allow them to influence our curriculum and their learning as much as possible. We do our best to foster within each child a desire for learning and a desire to make the right choices.

We actively encourage a high level of support from our parents, local and parish community. Children get on well at school when parents feel able to support school. At St. Kentigern’s, we try to achieve this by welcoming parents into school as much as possible to things like assemblies, progress meetings, volunteering on trips, ‘stay and play’ times and PTFA events.

Finally, we are blessed with an extremely dedicated, hardworking staff team who go above and beyond, which is required so that children are treated as individuals who matter; receive the best possible education; enjoy learning at school with a creative, exciting, challenging curriculum; and have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of sporting and extra-curricular activities.

I hope this website gives you a hint of what St Kentigern’s Catholic Primary  School has to offer – we welcome you to visit our school so you can truly experience the unique St Kentigern’s feeling. Please do not hesitate to contact the school to book a visit.

I look forward to meeting you soon.

Mrs C Murray