
Most academies have local governing bodies (LGBs) made up of different types of governors. All Catholic academies are made up of Foundation Governors (Catholics who are appointed by the Bishop) and may also include parent governors, staff governors, the head teacher and sometimes, co-opted governors.

The Trust governance model consists of Members, Trust Board/Directors and local governing bodies. The Members are appointed by the Bishop of Lancaster and the Diocese has ultimate control over the academy trust, with the ability to appoint the majority of the trustees (Foundation Directors) and the right to amend the trust’s articles of association. The members of BEBCMAT are the Bishop of Lancaster (Bishop Paul Swarbrick), the Episcopal Vicar for Education and Formation, Fr Michael Doherty, and the Diocesan Board of Education Trustees.

Academy trustees/directors: The directors are responsible for the same three core governance functions performed by the governing body in a maintained school: setting the direction, holding the headteacher (the leadership of the organisation) to account and ensuring financial probity. As charity trustees, they must also ensure that they are complying with charity law requirements.

Local governors: Individuals who sit on local governing bodies (LGBs) are referred to as ‘local governors’. This is because the directors can delegate governance functions to the local level. Subject to the restrictions in the articles of association and any guidance issued by the Archdiocese, the directors have discretion over what is delegated to each LGB. They may, for example, decide to delegate all functions to academies in the trust that are performing well and fewer to those academies that need greater support. The details of what has been delegated from the directors to local governors will be detailed in the scheme of delegation for the Trust. This will make it clear what responsibilities are retained by the board of directors of the trust (the Trust Board) and what responsibilities are to be given to each Local Governing Body.

Key Responsibilities: The Local Governing Body will be responsible for the Catholic Life of the academy, day to day oversight of the management of the academy and compliance with the Trust and the academy’s policies and practices, standards, and ensuring the academy fulfils its responsibilities to pupils and their families, being at the heart of the relationship between the school and its local parish community. The Trust Board will determine the strategy for the Trust, secure school improvement and academy turnaround overseeing performance and standards, ensure good practice holding leadership to account. The Trust Board will be supported by an Executive Team led by the Chief Executive Officer.


The role of the local governing body in a multi academy trust is a valuable one in providing local governance as well as offering assistance to the Trustees/Directors in fulfilling their responsibilities. The purpose of the LGB is to provide focused governance for an academy at the local level. It should also monitor the academy’s key performance indicators and act as support and challenge to the Headteacher. The LGB will also play an important role in representing the views of the academy stakeholders. The specific functions of the LBG are clearly laid out in the Trust’s scheme of delegation. Local Governors contribute to the work of the Local Governing Body in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the academy by: Supporting the academy’s vision, ethos and strategic direction in line with that of the Academy Trust Supporting and challenging leaders on the educational performance of the academy and its pupils, and their well-being and safety

Chair of Governors:
 -First Appointed 1/9/2009 term ends 30/9/2025
English Governor
c/o St. Kentigern’s Catholic Primary School, Newton Drive,
Blackpool FY3 8BT Tel: Blackpool 393302

Name Type From To
Mrs Maura Leyland
c/o St. Kentigern’s Catholic Primary School, Newton Drive, Blackpool FY3 8BT Tel: 01253 393302
Chair/English Governor 01/09/2009 30/09/2025
Mr T. Joseph Science Governor 09/12/2016 08/12/2024
Mrs C McAuley Maths Governor 07/01/2022 06/01/2026
Mr P. Mullane PHSE/HRSE Governor 04/12/2013 31/07/2028
Mrs C. Walker Safeguarding/SEN Governor
(Vice Chair & Special Needs)
20/08/2012 31/07/2028
Mr P. Woodhouse P.E/Computing Governor 23/11/2012 31/07/2028
Co opted Governors appointed by Blackpool Borough Council:
Mr L. Oram Health & Safety Governor 19/01/2018 31/08/2026
Parent Governors, elected by the parents:
Mrs J. Long History/Geography Governor 30/04/2021 29/04/2025
Mrs S Lloyd   09/02/2024 19/03/2028
Staff Governor, elected by the staff:
Mrs. S Brooks   04/10/2023 03/10/2027
Mrs. C Murray Headteacher 01/09/2023  

The Local Governing Body 

Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese of Lancaster:


Clerk to the Governors:
Mrs H. Lewis c/o the school


CEO Blessed Edward Bamber Cathlic Multi Academy Trust (BEBCMAT)

Mrs H. O'Neill

14-17 Metro House, Metropolitan Drive, Blackpool FY3 9LT

Tel: 01253 446936


Please click on link below for the Ofsted 2020 monitoring visit 

Ofsted Provider Page

Ofsted Report April 2018

Below are the results of the latest Ofsted Section 8 report, which we have just received following our recent inspection on the 11th April 2018

We are very proud of the feedback from the inspection, in particular in confirming that: ‘St Kentigern’s continues to be good’.

All parents will have been sent a letter from the Headteacher and Chair of Governors confirming this, the text is below as well as links to the printed version of this page (the parent letter) and a link to our Ofsted Report.

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Letter to Parents - 30th April 2018

This short inspection is designed to ensure that standards in the school have not in any way fallen since the last inspection in October 2014, and also seeks to identify further strengths. This inspection process is not designed to change the grading unless of course there were significant concerns.

On the day of the inspection, the inspector, HMI Elizabeth Stevens, worked alongside the leadership team for the whole day in evaluating current practice in the school.

We agreed three lines of enquiry:

  • How well children achieve in Reception – from their starting points children make good progress through the early years and they are well prepared for Year 1. Staff work well with nurseries and involve parents in their children’s learning;
  • How well pupils learn phonics – as a result of the actions taken, pupils’ attainment phonics has risen and pupils read with fluency and enjoyment;
  • Whether pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum – Through the rich curriculum at St Kentigern’s, including all the trips, visitors, music and sport, pupils develop their confidence and their skills across different subject areas.

In addition, the inspector interviewed children, listened to children read and spoke to governors, staff, the local authority and the diocese.
Ofsted also collated evidence from parents who completed the questionnaire.

We are very proud of the feedback from the inspection, in particular in confirming that:

  • ‘St Kentigern’s continues to be good, it is a very welcoming and inclusive school with strong Christian values’;
  • ‘Pupils care for others and follow the school’s motto to ‘treat others as you would like to be treated’, they behave well and contribute to society through work with charities and taking part in community and parish events’;
  • ‘The governing body is ambitious to achieve the best for each and every pupil and have an accurate understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement’;
  • ‘We have an enthusiastic staff team who are determined to let every pupil shine. Through a wide range of well-planned cultural experiences pupils’ confidence and skills are developed’
  • ‘Pupils appreciate the many leadership roles available to them and they enjoy being involved in school decisions’;
  • ‘Since the last inspection the quality of teaching has improved, across most subject areas, pupils make good progress. This is because teachers plan engaging and interesting lessons, which challenge pupils and match their learning needs;
  • ‘Safeguarding arrangements are thorough, fit for purpose and of high quality. School is a safe and secure place in which children can learn, staff work closely with parents and other professionals to make sure that pupils are safe.’

We discussed with the inspector our current school improvement priority, which is writing and the impact of recent actions could be seen, it was agreed that the improvements need embedding to raise standards in every class.

Finally, the report is further recognition of the hard work and dedication from all the staff and governors in school, who strive to provide the best education for each and every pupil. I am sure you will join me in thanking them for all that they do in school and beyond the school day.

Yours sincerely

F. M. Wygladala

M. Leyland
Chair of Governors

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2023 - 2024



2024 - 2025


Meet the Governors

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