My name is Mrs Harris and I am the Reception Class teacher. Mrs Hilton is Our Teaching Assistant who works in our class every day. Together we provide the children with a friendly and fun learning environment. As a Catholic school, the teachings of Jesus Christ are at the centre of everything we do; He is our role model and a wonderful example for ourselves and all our children to follow. We work hard to ensure the children are taught to the highest standard and have a curriculum that exposes each child to new learning experiences developing all areas of their Early Years Development. We hope you find this class page useful, please take a look at the videos to see what we get up to each half term - Thank you.
Click here to watch all the wonderful things we have done in Reception this half term.
Reception have so much fun learning about numbers.
Goldilocks and the 3 bears
We held Our annual 'Bedtime Story' tonight!
All About Me - Creation
Religious Education
Click here to watch all the wonderful things we have done in Reception this half term.
We loved our healthy heads sessions supported by BFC. Each week we learn a new word like resilience, hear a story and then practice during a P.E lesson.
Winter Wonderland
We have been learning about cold places. We have learned about Antarctica and the Arctic circle including their animals and we have thought about what clothing we would wear in these places.
We enjoyed preparing for Christmas.
We performed the Christmas story in church!
We are so proud of all the children and how they performed today in Our Christmas Nativity. Thank you for bringing them back for the evening performance. They sang beautifully. We are so proud of them!
Trip to Cinderella
Such an amazing morning at Blackpool Grand Theatre!!! Fantastic pantomime with the most wonderful children!!!!! We even had a Reception child on stage with buttons. Finally we enjoyed a picnic in class!!
We welcomed Chris Webb Our local MP. The children sang a lovely welcome song and asked him many questions.
We have been very busy during Parliament week learning about British values too!
This half term we have developing Our fine motor skills, we started by practising threading, then we made a baby blanket design and finally we did some sewing and created bookmarks. (
Today we had a very busy day with a wonderful workshop for families followed by a visit from Dental Aid.
Family Friday fun!
We invited all Our EYFS parents to come in and build a Blackpool Tower. We had so much fun!
Religious Education
Click here to watch all the wonderful things we have done in Reception this half term.
We learnt about different seeds and plants. We loved listening to Jack and a Beanstalk at storytime.
Fun in the snow!
This week we have celebrated Chinese New Year!
This week we have enjoyed choosing vegetables and making vegetable soup. We read Oliver’s vegetables by Vivian French.
We are trying so hard to form our letters correctly. We love Read Write Inc.
Once Upon A Time
Religious Education
Mothers Day 2025
We enjoyed pampering our mummy's this afternoon and we hope they all have a wonderful Mother's day on Sunday!
10th March- 14th March EYFS celebrated Science week. We have focused on the lifecycle of a butterfly. We are so proud of the children using new vocabulary when describing the life cycle. We are lucky enough to have real caterpillars in our curiosity corner for us to weather the process for real. We can't wait to see the real butterflies!
Springtime on the farm!
We visited Farmer Parrs to support our Animals topic. The children enjoyed handling the animals, feeding the goats and brushing the ponies.
Eggciting things are happening in EYFS!
This is the way we brush our teeth
Religious Education
We have been learning about waterproof materials and boats in our Science and Technology topic.
Today we invited Dora the crossing patrol lady into class. Dora told us all about her job. We thanked Dora for helping us every day!
People That Help Us
Religious Education
Such a brilliant afternoon in EYFS with Dad’s, uncles and brothers . Thank you for coming along and taking part in the Lego challenge.
Refugee Week
This week we have been learning about Refugees. We have made Our homes and discussed how important home is. We have related to Paddington Bear about feelings when arriving in a new country. The children in Reception have a good understanding about how to welcome any new person to Our school. Everyone is welcome at St Kentigern's Primary school!
Our Local Area
Religious Education