We would like to remind you of the following procedures for contacting school when pupils are absent:
-Parents must notify the school office (not the class teacher) every day of an unplanned
absence by 8.50am or as soon as possible. If this is out of hours there is an option to leave
a message on phone by pressing option 1 * phone - 01253 393302
For contacting school regarding medical appointments:
We encourage parents to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours
where possible. Where this is not possible, please advise the school in advance and medical evidence should be provided.
This can be emailed to admin@st-kentigern.blackpool.sch.uk or shown at the School Office.
For contacting school regarding other absences:
If your child is going to be absent from school for any other reason please complete a
'Request for Leave During Term Time Form' available from the school office or website.
This can be returned to the School Office or emailed to admin@st-kentigern.blackpool.sch.uk
Our attendance policy can be found on our Policies page.