British Values


Each class from Rec-Year 6 take part in a 5-week programme on the theme of ‘British Values’. The objectives from these lessons are directly linked to the governments PREVENT strategy.

Each lesson lasts for one hour; 30 mins classroom and 30 mins physical activity. The physical activity will link directly into the lesson objectives.

The government defines these values as:

  1. Democracy – Teaching children about the importance of having a voice, making decisions together, and respecting others' opinions. Schools may have school councils where pupils can vote on issues.
  2. Rule of Law – Helping children understand why rules and laws exist, how they keep everyone safe, and the consequences of breaking them. This includes classroom rules and learning about laws in wider society.
  3. Individual Liberty – Encouraging children to make choices and understand their rights and freedoms, while also respecting the rights of others.
  4. Mutual Respect – Teaching children to treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of differences. This includes learning about teamwork, friendships, and valuing diversity.
  5. Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs – Promoting understanding of different cultures and religions, ensuring that all pupils feel valued, and challenging discrimination or stereotypes.


During the last week of the programme, children will take part in ‘Election Day!’. Children will create their own manifesto and then vote for who they’d like to become Prime Minister.

It was Year 6's turn to take part in Autumn.  Having discussed the British Value, the children were tasked with applying their knowledge to a range of PE activities, from understanding why it is important to have laws in society, to democratically voting on how to play a series of games. 





During UK Parliament Week, our local MP, Chris Webb met with Year 6.  A fantastic opportunity for the class to ask about issues that were important to them and a timely visit linked to our British Values programme.  The children presented Mr Webb with handwritten letters about the issues that concern them, from the climate change and littering, to homelessness and employment. 

The class were over the moon when Chris Webb MP made a surprise return visit to class with personal replies to all of their letters.